Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Miss Mo'n Puutarhanurkka: Herkkuja viljelylaatikossa


Muutama viikko sitten posti toi Kekkilältä pienen viljelylaatikon. Se sopii niin yrttien, vihannesten, juuresten, mansikoiden kuin kukkienkin kasvattamiseen. Itse innostuin tänä kesänä hyötypuutarhan perustamisesta ja pieni viljelylaatikko oli juuri sopiva pienelle takapihallemme.

Kotimaisesta lämpökäsitellystä puusta valmistettu Pieni viljelylaatikko ei sisällä kyllästys- tai puunsuoja-aineita, joten se tarjoaa turvallisen kasvuympäristön syötäville kasveille. 
Kootun tuotteen mitat: 80 x 58,5 x 23 cm.

Laatikko on helppo asentaa.
Kekkilän sivulta löytyy asennusvideo, joka auttaa avutontakin.

Yhteen Pieneen viljelylaatikkoon uppoaa kolme säkkiä Kekkilä Kasvimaamultaa. Itse käytin Puutarhamultaa (oli alennuksessa). Mullan alle voi levittää juurimaton rikkaruohojen välttämiseksi, näin minä tein.

Viljelylaatikko step by step:
1. Valitse viljelylaatikolle sopiva paikka ja asenna laatikko ohjeiden mukaan.
2. Levitä nurmikolle halutessasi juurimatto ja aseta laatikko sen päälle.
3. Kun laatikko on tukevasti maassa, kaada multaa noin puoliväliin asti.
4. Lisää lannoite ja levitä tasaisesti.
5. Kaada loput mullat ja tasoita pinta käsin.
6. Kastele multa läpikotaisin.
7. Kaiva kuoppa istutuslapiolla ja istuta taimi. Peitä mullalla sormin painelemalla.

Istutin laatikkoon sekalaista porukkaa: kolme kuukausimansikkaa, oreganoa, rosmariinia ja valkosipulin.

 Muutamaa viikkoa myöhemmin lisäsin laventelin, ruohosipulin, sitruunamelissan ja vielä kyltitkin, etten varmasti unohda mitä on missäkin. Kaikki istuttamani yrtit ovat monivuotisia, paitsi rosmariini.
 Minttua kasvatan erillisessä puulaatikossa, se kun on herkkä leviämään ja valtaamaan koko alueen.
Nähtäväksi jää miten nämä kaikki tulevat toimeen keskenään samassa laatikossa, mutta hyvin ovat lähteneet kasvuun. Toivottavasti tila riittää.
Pionitkin ovat alkaneet kukkia ja notkua laatikon yllä.

Aivan kaikki pionit eivät vielä ole auenneet.

Hyvä tietää:
- Viljelylaatikossa ei ole pohjaa, jottei ylimääräinen vesi jää makaamaan laatikon pohjalle, vaan imeytyy maahan.
- Laatikkoon voi tehdä pohjan, jos sitä käytetään esim. terassilla. Käytä tällöin sen sisäpuolella suojamuovia, ettei kasteluvesi pilaa terassin lattiaa ja muista salaojittaa laatikko Kekkilä Ruukkusoralla.
- Viljelylaatikon voi maalata tai käsitellä puuöljyllä. Sitä ei ole kuitenkaan pakko käsitellä, sillä käsittelemätön puu patinoituu kauniin harmaaksi. 
- Laatikon voi jättää talveksi paikoilleen, mutta pidennät sen käyttöikää tyhjentämällä sen talveksi ja viemällä sen suojaan mullasta puhdistettuna.

Omasta hyötypuutarhasta on iloa läpi kesän.  Rosmariinista, ruohosipulista ja oreganosta sai ihanat mausteet lohkoperunoihin. Ja hanavettä voi piristää vaikka limellä ja oman puutarhan mintulla.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Miss My's Tiimari Balcony Styling

I decided that it was time to restyle my balcony. I've been planning it for ages but never got round to actually doing it. This summer I was very inspired by Tiimari's summer products (love love love their stripy cushions) and Tiimari has generously provided me with products to revamp my balcony.

The products provided by Tiimari have given my balcony a fabulous summery look and now I love to spend time eating on our balcony with friends or family. And summer is a great time for hosting balcony dinner parties!

All the products in the pictures are from Tiimari except for some of my own items. A big thank you to Tiimari for being so generous. Have a look at my beautiful balcony.

Don't you just love the stripy cushions? I also love the little buckets with the words "love", "home" and "hope" on them. What do you think of my balcony? Any favourite Tiimari items?

For more information go to:

Glasses, bowls, table, chairs, hanging baskets, stool, plant and pot on stool are all Miss My's own.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Miss My's Piimäkakku a.k.a Buttermilk Cake Recipe

Last Saturday Miss Mo and I got together with a few other girls for a really fun girls' evening. Everyone brought something to eat. I brought meatballs and piimäkakku which is a cake made with piimä (buttermilk). Many Finnish people have had piimäkakku at least once in their lives and some friends have said piimäkakku reminds them of their youths. Because I had some piimä left I made two more cakes and brought pieces to the play park and passed them around. The cake is very easy to make and doesn't involve difficult processes. Some people have asked for the recipe. I make the cake according to the recipe given to me by Isabella's grandmother.


4,5 dl flour
3 dl sugar
1,5 tsp baking soda
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground cloves
1 dl melted margarine
3 dl buttermilk


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celcius. Melt the margarine in a bowl above a pan with hot water. Mix the dry ingredients. Add the melted margarine to the dry ingredient. Stir with a wooden spoon and 'chop' the lumps into smaller pieces. Add the buttermilk. Stir well. Grease a cake tin and pour the mixture into the cake tin. Bake it in the oven for circa 30-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. 

That's it! It's simple and delicious.


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Unelmatalo myynnissä / Dream house for sale

Tämä myynnissä oleva, vuonna 2009 rakennettu puutalokoti hurmaa. Harmaa on yksi ehdoton suosikkivärini sisustuksessa ja tässä talossa sen eri sävyjä on käytetty yhdistettynä puhtaan valkoiseen ja tummaan puuhun. Talo huokuu rauhallista tunnelmaa ja kodikasta tyylikkyyttä. Tässä talossa on tilan ja avaruuden tuntua.

- Miss Mo

I was checking houses when my eye caught this beautiful wooden house located in Vantaa being sold via Arvoassunot. I love wooden houses (see my Kannustalo post here) but sometimes I think the interior doesn't match the exterior. However, with this house I love both the interior and exterior.

The thing I like most about the house is how wonderfully the rooms flow into each other. The kitchen is connected to the dining/living room which in turn leads to an office space and the hallway. The hallway leads to the utility room, bathroom and sauna area. It really has a wonderful yet practical flow to it.

I also love the use of colours in the interior. Lots of white, black, dark and light wood, leather and natural colours have been used. The mix has a modern yet cosy feel. The house also has some quirky details such as the basin in the downstairs toilet. It has a good sized utility room and the sauna easily fits a family.

One of my favourite things about the house has to be the gorgeous hallway. I am such a sucker for white combined with dark wood and they have gotten the balance just right in the hallway. 

The hallway leads to the second floor. The hallway of the second floor is cleverly being used as an extra room with a sofa and piano. Perfect for relaxing. The second floor also contains three very spacious bedrooms one of which is being occupied by a Twilight fan and another is being used as a gym. Furthermore, you will find a second bathroom and a spacious walk-in closet (every girl's dream) off the master bedroom.

Last but certainly not least, there is a wonderfully spacious porch on which I can see myself relaxing for hours. Imagine having barbecues with friends or family, enjoying eating outdoors and chatting away for hours.

If I had the money I would buy it right away. If you have the money and are looking for a wonderful, spacious family home in a nice area close to Helsinki, then why not go have a look on Wednesday 17:30 - 18:15 as there will be an open house.

- Miss My

For more details:

Minttu-avokado supersmoothie

4-6 annosta

4 banaania
2 avokadoa
1 sitruuna
kourallinen mintunlehtiä
3 rkl CocoVi Smoothie Mix
7 dl maustamatonta jogurttia
2 dl vettä

Halkaise avokado, poista kivi ja lusikoi hedelmäliha tehosekoittimeen. Lisää joukkoon banaani, mintunlehdet, Smoothie Mix -jauhe, jogurtti ja vesi. Purista vielä sitruuna sekaan. Sekoita tasaiseksi juomaksi. Lisää valmiiseen annokseen halutessasi mustikoita.

Olen alkanut lisäämään smoothien joukkoon CocoVi Smoothie Mix -jauhetta. En ole varsinaisesti hurahtanut superfoodiin, mutta luontaistuotteista luettueani kieltämättä kiinnostuin aiheesta.
CocoVi Smoothie Mix -pakkaus sisältää macaa, kaakaojauhetta, goji-jauhetta, lucumaa ja psyllium-kuitua. Tuote on sekä lisäaineeton että säilöntäaineeton eikä siinä ole käytetty mitään keinotekoisia raaka-aineita. Tässä lyhyesti tietoa mainittujen superfoodien vaikutuksista:

- tukee munuaisten toimintaa
- lisää fyysistä suorituskykyä 
- antaa energiaa
- lievittää stressiä 
- käytetty perinteisesti mm. seuraavien vaivojen hoitoon: anemia, krooninen väsymys, masennus, seksuaalinen haluttomuus, heikko muisti, stressi, uniongelmat, vatsasyöpä

- sisältää runsaasti arvokkaita antioksidantteja
- sisältää myös kahta tärkeää antioksidanttia terveen näkökyvyn kannalta: zeaksantiinia ja luteiinia
- käytetty perinteisesti mm. seuraavien vaivojen hoitoon: maksan suojeluun ja puhdistamiseen, munuaisten toiminnan parantamiseen ja kehon nesteyttämiseen, veren puhdistamiseen ja verensokerin säätelyyn, näkökyvyn parantamiseen ja silmäsairauksien hoitoon, keuhkojen toiminnan vahvistamiseen, vahvistamaan seksuaalista halukkuutta, lisäämään vastustuskykyä, pidentämään ikää

 - tunnetaan terveellisenä makeutusaineena
- sisältää runsaasti kuituja ja vitamiineja, kuten B2 ja B1
- sopii erinomaisesti jäätelöön ja jälkiruokiin
 -vatsaa hellivä
- erittäin kuitupitoinen
- käytetään vatsaongelmien hoitoon
- vaikutus alkaa yleensä 12-24 tunnissa, mutta täyteen vaikutukseen saattaa mennä 2-3 päivää

- sisältää yli 1200 aktiivista ainesosaa ja huikeat 10% kaakaon painosta on antioksidantteja
- raaka kaakao sisältää enemmän antioksidantteja kuin mustikka, goji-marja, acai-marja, punaviini ja kranaattiomena yhteensä
- loistava lähde erityisesti magnesiumille, raudalle, mangaanille, kromille, rikille, kuparille ja sinkille
- vaikuttaa aivojen toimintaan ja hyvänolon tuntemuksiin

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

15 DIY Ideaa Kuormalavasta

Kuormalavoista saa askarreltua kaikennäköistä kivaa. 
Mikä parasta, kuormalavat ovat ilmaisia. Osa ideoista vaatii hieman nikkarointia, mutta monet ovat helppoja ja nopeita toteuttaa!





Miss My's Week

I had quite an interesting week. Isabella was at the summer cottage with her father for a few days. I didn't join them (making it the first time Isabella and I were apart for more than one night) as I had to prepare our balcony for the styling post in cooperation with Tiimari (watch this space).

First I tidied up the balcony by removing all of Isabella's toys and junk (she really likes to drag stuff to the balcony), then I painted the balcony table, chairs and the balcony floorboards. I then went shopping for some extra (totally unnecessary) accessories (e.g. plants, flower, pot for flower etc.) and was really surprised (read: taken aback) by how much bits and bobs cost! I styled the balcony using the products generously provided by Tiimari and my own accessories but I still have some changes to make. Once the styling is ready I will write a post about it.

After all that painting (hard work by the way!) I felt like treating myself so I went out to eat with my friend, Sanna. We went to an American bistro chain called Chico's and I had the Pulled Pork Burger which was really good. For dessert I had Tarte Tatin with vanilla icecream. The Tarte Tatin was very tasty though surprisingly small. It was a bit larger than a 2 euro coin. But with the icecream the portion was just perfect.

The next day I was still marvelling at how much free time I had with Isabella being away and got a bit, well, bored as you can only spend so much time checking blogs and celebrity news. But then I got a spontaneous text from my neighbour asking if I wanted to come round for tea. Yes, please! She gave birth to a gorgeous baby girl almost a month ago and I oohed and aahed as the baby is really cute. Love the lovely tiny toes.

After visiting my neighbour I had little time to gather my things as I had to head to Lohja to meet Miss Mo. Miss Mo had come straight from work and was still wearing her work clothes which we both agreed were 'casual' and wouldn't have looked misplaced at a campsite and/or holiday park. We were both hungry and had dinner at a restaurant called Saskatoon (for more info click here). Miss Mo loved her Minute Steak and my Chicken with Goat's cheese was good but not extraordinary. What was extraordinary was the service. Our waitress couldn't have been nicer and the service was excellent. I would definitely recommend it for the service alone. Especially as the service we received at several shops left much to be desired. More about that later.

After dinner we felt like some dessert and Miss Mo had recommended Café Lauri. Unfortunately, Café Lauri was very very closed on Monday. Definitely have to go there on a non-Monday some day. We went looking for another coffee shop serving pastries and cakes but they were all closed or about to close so we just bought pastries from a supermarket and ate them sitting on a bench at the town square. The bench was funny and made us laugh as it was kind of built like a slide. I guess it triggered a laugh attack as we couldn't stop laughing (whilst sitting on the bench eating our pastries) after Miss Mo discovered a restaurant called Caballo Bayo. It sounds funny in Spanish. Then I noticed a shop under Caballo Bayo called Heng Heng Heng. Whilst eating our pastries a strawberry from the pastry fell onto Miss Mo's pants resulting in more laughter. Everything just seemed funny at that time.

We then decided to walk around Lohja center a bit and we popped into an interior boutique called Inside Style. We were still a bit giggly but we quickly stopped laughing as the boutique owner wasn't very nice to us. In fact, we thought she was rather rude. She responded in an odd way to Miss Mo's polite request to take pictures for our blog. Needless to say we didn't take any pictures (or buy any products) but maybe the owner was having an off-day and we might visit the boutique some other time.

We then felt like trying on some engagement rings at Timanttiset, located inside a Lohja mall. Again, we were treated rather rudely and when I pointed at one ring I wanted to try on the saleslady said rather haughtily that the ring costs 1800 euros. I was thinking what is wrong with these people and have they never heard of being customer friendly? We were a bit miffed after being treated rudely twice in a row so we decided to head to Amarillo for a drink on their terrace. Our moods changed rapidly and at this point we could laugh at the rude treatment and we just put it down to Miss Mo's casual work clothes.

Below are some pictures of my week. How was your week? Have you ever been to Lohja and if yes, how was your experience?

Preliminary Tiimari balcony styling.

Miss Mo's Minute Steak.

Miss My's Chicken with Goat's Cheese.

Eating pastry on the funny slide bench.

Miss Mo and Miss My just Heng heng henging in Lohja.
