Saturday, December 29, 2012

Miss Mo unelmoi

Tänään yritin kävellä joulukinkut pois. 

Talvimaisema oli ihana.

Matkalla katselin omakotitaloja, ajattelin, että ehkä ensi vuonna meillä on sellainen.

Kävelin junaradan yli, ajattelin matkaa, joka on edessä ja takana. Matkaa, jolla ollaan koko ajan.

Keksin, että matkan aikana voi tehdä kaikenlaista, voi vaikka unelmoida, ja sitä teen kaiken aikaa. Keksin alkaa rakentaa unelmakotia jo nyt, aivan ilmaiseksi, Pinterestin kautta.
Tervetuloa mukaan seuraamaan:

Today Miss Mo had a walk in the winter wonderland and while crossing a railroad she thought about dreams.
 Year 2013 is supposed to be the year she finds her dreamhouse! Meanwhile she is dreaming and already building her dreamhome here:

Miss Mo

Friday, December 28, 2012

Miss Mo ja Joulun jälkiähky

Joulu on ohi ja uusi vuosi koputtelee jo ovella. Maailmanloppu ei tullutkaan. 

Kohta pitäisi taas osata tarttua arkeen uudella tarmolla. Mutta vielä on aikaa. Aikaa kuunnella Yonaa maaten sohvalla vaikka silmät kiinni. Karkkipaperivuori kasvaa samalla, kun lukee ”Jääasema Zebraa”. Riikka Pulkkisen ”Vieras” odottaa pöydällä vuoroaan, niin myös sisustuskirjat. Karkkipaperipino kasvaa vaan, mutta ei haittaa, jalassa on löysät housut. Kaipaan jo lisää lukemista, vaikka monta on jonossa. Alennusmyynti on ajanut Adlibriksen verkkokauppaan, ei tarvitse kaupoissa hikoilla. Monta kirjaa on jo ostoskorissa. Aina on aikaa lukea. Kaapissa uudet Iittala-lasit odottavat malttamattomina. Ehkä Uuden Vuoden aattona ne täytetään kuohuvalla.

Vuosi on loppumaisillaan, mutta ei haittaa. On mitä odottaa. On ystävä, joka saa alkuvuodesta esikoisen. On liput Graveyardin keikalle, We Will Rock You –musikaaliin ja viinikurssille. Ja vuoden 2013 pitäisi olla se vuosi, kun me saamme unelmakotimme. Omakotitalo ja omenapuu. Luulenpa, että mahtava vuosi on luvassa. Otan vuodelle 2013 nyt glögilasillisen ja luen vielä vähän lisää. Ulkona loistaa lumilyhty, jonka palloja pyöritellessä palasin hetkeksi lapsuuteen. 

Miss My's Christmas

How was your Christmas? Hope you had a very merry one!

My Christmas was very nice. We spent it with L's family (his parents, his brother and family, his sister and her boyfriend) like we always do whenever we spend it in Finland.

The Christmas festivities started on December 24th with rice porridge in the morning. A particular Christmas tradition that is often associated with eating rice pudding or porridge is hiding a whole almond in the porridge. In Finland, popular belief has it that the one who eats the almond will be in luck the following year. Well, I ate an almond (L's mom put 8 in the rice porridge though) so I'm expecting lots of good things the coming year! Hope you found an almond in your rice porridge too.

After the rice porridge we had to wait for Santa (L's uncle) to visit. We were all really excited (I was more excited than the kiddies) and waiting impatiently. Finally we heard the highly anticipated knock on the door and, well, I think I might have screamed a bit. Santa talked with the kids and the kids helped Santa distribute the presents. The kids then posed for a picture with Santa and Santa left. We all opened some presents and then went home to rest a bit before returning for Christmas dinner.

Ah, Christmas dinner. I always look forward to this: the traditional Finnish Christmas eating fest. We had smoked salmon and lax served with a roe/whipped cream/onion mixture called mäti (it's delish!), rosolli (beet salad, yum!) served with whipped cream mixed with beetroot juice, Christmas ham, perunalaatikko (potato casserole), lanttulaatikko (swede casserole) and plum pudding. It was definitely the highlight of my Christmas. Although, it was really nice to spend time with L's family and we got some really good pressies.

Well, now the countdown until next Christmas starts. Only 361 days left. Yay.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Miss My's Item Of The Week: Picture Frame

I'll tell you what I want, what I really, really want (Spicegirls classic which is totally allowed to be used here). I want a really nice picture frame for my daughter's kindergarten pictures. Where to start looking? Well, I always find the internet a very good place to start. I googled kuvakehykset (picture frames in Finnish) as I do live in Finland and have to go to Finnish shops and found a brilliant picture frame (see picture below).

Normally I go for white, wood and romantic but my eye caught this frame made of glass and metal and I just thought it looked clean, minimalist and, depending on the pictures you put in them, quite romantic.

I also found a gem on which I love and fits my white-wood-romantic style. It is very different from the glass-metal one but sometimes it's good to think outside the box.

Have a look at them both and tell me which one is your fave!

The glass-metal one. It's cute, right?

The white-wood-romantic one. Cute too.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Jouluarvonnan voittaja! / The winner of the Christmas Raffle!

My Moon arpoi Random.orgin avulla jouluarvontamme voittajan.

Ja voittaja on...

Osallistuja numero 6: Saijis!

Voittajalle postitetaan Kelly Hoppenin Close Up -sisustuskirja ja kuvan joulukoristeet.

Kiitos kaikille osallistuneille ja ihanaa Joulun jatkoa!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Calendar 24 Hyvää Joulua!!!

Hyvää Joulua!

On Jouluaatto ja edessä monta monta vapaata päivää

on huurteisia ikkunaruutuja
hiljaista lumisadetta
viltin alle käpertymistä
kynttilöiden tanssivia liekkejä
kirjan sivuja ja suklaapapereita
sitä parasta kaikessa


Mahtavaa Joulua ja onnea kaikille arvontaamme osallistuneille toivottaa,
Miss Mo

Christmas Calendar 24 Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas always makes me happy but slightly nostalgic. We always spend Christmas with L's family and around Christmas I miss my family more than usual. Luckily all my loved ones are healthy which is the best Christmas present I could get.

What cheered me up a bit was doing a Christmas Calendar for this blog and collecting fabulous ideas for making my and your Christmas special. Going through the whole Christmas Calendar I have compiled a list of photos to show you what my favourite Christmas would look like.

Have a Very Merry Christmas and enjoy your Christmassy home, Christmas foods and Christmas company!!!


Miss My

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Calendar 23

I wrapped some Christmas presents today and I realised that I could do with some gift wrapping ideas. Miss Mo has already given you some inspiration but I have found many more beautifully wrapped packages on the internet. Here are some of my favourites.










Here are some wine bottle gift wrapping ideas:



And here's an idea: why not give your presents in a bucket?


Well, that's it. I'm pretty sure you are inspired by either Miss Mo's or my gift wrapping ideas! You still have a day and a half to wrap those presents as it's almost Christmas!!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Calendar 22

Alkaa olla aika pistää lahjat pakettiin. Tänä jouluna olen itse tykästynyt yksinkertaisen voimapaperin käyttöön. Tässä siis paketointi-ideoita!

It's time to wrap those presents. This year I really love simple kraft paper so here I gathered some ideas that caught my eye!



Friday, December 21, 2012

3000 views!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!

Photography by Michelle Bohigia.

Tasan kaksi kuukautta sitten ystävykset Miss My ja Miss Mo aloittivat yhteisen matkan blogimaailmassa ja nyt kävijälaskuri näyttää jo 3000 kanssamatkustajaa! Matka on ollut mahtava ja olemme kävijämäärästä ällistyneitä ja entistä motivoituneimpia jatkamaan tätä ihanaa tietä. Pysykää siis mukana ja lähettäkää ihmeessä kommentteja ja toiveita jatkon suhteen!

-Miss Mo

Exactly 2 months ago Miss Mo and I started this blog and I can't believe we have already gotten over 3000 views!! I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who reads our blog. It's our baby and we are very happy with it. But what is a blog without readers? Nothing! So we hope you will keep reading our blog. This is just the start and we have many many more stories to tell.

- Miss My

Christmas Calendar 21

I love desserts and today I will give you a recipe for Christmas Panna cotta. I would also like to share a recipe for chocolate which I got as a Christmas present last year and loved.

I also have some Christmas table decorating ideas for the people who still need some inspiration. You can also check Christmas Calendar 6 for Christmas table decoration ideas!

Jouluinen Panna cotta


4 annosta


2 dl     kahvikermaa
4 kpl   tähtianista
100 g  valkosuklaata
2 rkl    sokeria
1 tl      vaniljasokeria
3 kpl   liivatelehteä
2 dl     kuohukermaa


2 kpl   glögipäärynöitä
2 dl     mustaherukkalikööriä
3 kpl   liivatelehteä
tilkka  kiehuvan kuumaa vettä



1.    Pane liivatelehdet kylmään veteen pehmenemään. Mittaa kahvikerma, anikset ja sokeri kattilaan, kuumenna kiehuvaksi. Purista liivatelehdet vedestä. Sulata suklaa ja liivatteet kuumaan kermaan. Poista mausteet kermasta. Anna jäähtyä.
2.    Vaahdota kuohukerma ja sekoita suklaaseokseen. Jaa seos jälkiruokamaljoihin tai tarjoilumaljaan. Anna hyytyä jääkaapissa.Valuta päärynät marinadista ja leikkaa neljäksi lohkoksi. Aseta jälkiruoka-annoksiin kaksi päärynälohkoa.
3.   Liota cassishyytelön liivatelehdet kylmässä vedessä. Purista pehmenneet liivakot vedestä ja sulata tilkkaseen kiehuvaa vettä.
4.   Sekoita liemi likööriin ja lusikoi kermahyytelön ja päärynälohkojen päälle. Anna hyytyä ja korista piparilla.

Christmas Panna cotta


4 portions



2 dl       coffee cream
4           star anise
1           cinnamon stick
100 gr.  white chocolate
2 tbs      sugar
1 tsp      vanilla sugar
3           gelatin leaves
2 dl       whipping cream


2            mulled wine marinated pears
2 dl        blackcurrant liqueur
              mulled wine
3            gelatin leaves
              drop of boiling hot water





Put the gelatin leaves to soften in cold water. Put the coffee cream, star anises and sugar in a pan and bring it to a boil. Squeeze the water from the gelatin leaves. Melt the chocolate and gelatin leaves in the hot cream. Remove the spices from the cream. Let it cool down.

Whip the cream and mix it with the chocolate mixture. Divide the mix in to serving bowls. Let it chill in the fridge. Remove the pears from the marinade and cut them in to four pieces. Place two pear pieces in one dish.

Melt the gelatin leaves for the blackcurrant jelly in cold water. Squeeze the water from the gelatin leaves and melt them in a bit of boiling water.

Add the liquid gelatin leaves to the liqueur and spoon it on the cream mixture. Let it chill and decorate it with a gingerbread biscuit and 2 pieces of pear per portion.

Recipe from:


Home made chocolate


Picture from




dark chocolate (you can use any chocolate you like but I like dark chocolate)

chopped dried apricots (you can also use dried cranberries, prunes or other dried fruit)

chopped unsalted cashew nuts (or any other nut you prefer)

white chocolate for decorating



Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of simmering water. Remove the pan from the heat. Do the same with the white chocolate.

Meanwhile, line a sheet pan with parchment paper. Turn the paper face down on the baking sheet.

Pour the melted chocolate over the paper and spread to form a rectangle, using the outline. Sprinkle the cashew nuts and apricots over the chocolate. Decorate with the melted white chocolate. Set aside for 2 hours until firm. Cut the chocolate in pieces and serve at room temperature.

If you want to give the chocolate as a Christmas present you can put the pieces in a jar with a nice piece of (red gingham) cloth tied by a red ribbon.

Picture from

And here some Christmas table setting ideas.
